
Difference between Remote Work vs Company’s Culture?

There are fundamental differences between remote work and the usual company culture. Working remote as an employee or in company both have pros and cons. Remote work simply means, working in a secluded area. Remote work is an entirely different approach from the perspective of getting work done. Conversely, workers are provided with a desk and proper workspace, by the company. 

Working from Different Locations

This goes without saying but the most evident difference is the location. Remote working usually happens from home and the other usual method from the company’s office.

Common remote work locations comprise not only homes but coffee shops, coworking spaces, beaches, and any other area with an internet connection.

Commuting Difficulties

Secondly, commuting is another aspect to decipher as it is known that the average American worker spends at least 27 minutes on their daily commute to work and it is just getting worse. 

Around 10 million people waste just an hour or more traveling to work, in accordance with NPR. The bottom line is people usually despise commuting, however on the other hand there are folks who are fond of waking up early, getting ready, and having the separation of home and office.

The CEO of Product Hunt, Ryan Hoover, gives the impression that most people would take a pay cut if it gave them the leverage to work remotely. His survey makes this apparent as 62.4 percent voted for the “ability to work remotely” in comparison to the rest of the options such as “infinite vacation time”, “paid lunch and dinner” etc.

Importance of Face to Face Time

Let’s look into another point, communication. In accordance with the 2020 State of Business Communication Report research, face-to-face communication is a recommended mode of communication on behalf of the employees. Communication does happen on video calls etc. no doubt and emails too but there’s something different about the connection to the other colleagues in person! It really does make a difference!

Difficulty Adjusting to Schedule and Work Space

Thirdly, flexibility is also one aspect to consider and is crucial to look into. When working from an office, you are more likely to have a clear and precise schedule! But how about when you’re working from home? 

You now have the leverage to wake up when you want to and tailor your day to your own needs. The traditional 9 to 5 is not effective anymore. When it comes to remote working, you should be able to work from about any place as long as you have an internet connection! How convenient!

According to the State of Remote Report 2019, the biggest struggle with working remotely is ‘unplugging after work’ compared to 19 percent of ‘loneliness’ and 8 percent ‘staying motivated’ etc. 

Other fundamental differences include financial cost and productivity. When working at the company’s office, the costs of commuting, public transit, gas, maintenance expenses can all be a nuisance. Working remotely has perks when it comes to financial costs as you don’t have to fret about getting stuck in traffic, and you won’t be tempted to go out after work and waste money on dining out. 

Cost-effectiveness is a Differentiator

Both the company and the employee may benefit financially by working remotely. Employees save money on things like transportation, lunch, and snacks. Employers also save money on office rent and setup since they may use a lesser area than if everyone worked from the office.

Work-life Balance

In today’s fast-paced environment, employees may find it difficult to balance work. Also, this goes for personal obligations. Employees who work from home have more control over their time. In summary, remote work is expected to increase productivity — both at work and at home. 

Workers who work from home are more motivated. Remote employees are more motivated at work when everything is in order. Furthermore, they are better equipped to enjoy their free time. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and lower stress levels at work and at home.

Productivity Management

Working from home provides individuals and companies with more time and fewer interruptions.  Thus, it leads to higher productivity. When done correctly, remote work empowers people and companies to focus on what matters most. 

Remote work eliminates workplace distractions like water cooler banter, gossip, being pulled into pointless meetings, and interruptions from coworkers. Employees are more productive and able to concentrate on their work.

However, organizations have to fulfill requirements such as silence, stationary, systems and lower interruptions. In these ways, they can manage teams. However, many times employees need company culture to grow themselves. 


While you save in some ways, there are other costs to think about. A study conducted by UC Irvine found that a typical office worker is interrupted every 11 minutes. That’s a big loss when it comes to overall productivity.

Managing a remote workforce can cause confusion for the managers as it’s not the norm. They have never been put in the position in the past to manage a workforce of such nature.

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